Why on earth would busy professionals start Blue Planet Academy for nothing? Yes, everyone gives their time free.
Just check out who is involved in the Blue Planet. Some are still corporate big hitters, others were retired or running their own businesses.
So why do it? The common link is everyone is passionate about scuba diving. Everyone has physically seen the damage being done to our oceans.
Sir David Attenborough said, 'How can I look my grandchildren in the eye and say I knew what was happening to the world and did nothing'.
Being a diver puts you in touch with over 70% of the earth that is covered in water. Few enjoy the incredible experiences of being underwater. Whether it wrecks or reefs that float your boat.
One destination I travelled to (Antigua) I was taken to Paradise Reef by a Reef Guardian called Smokey. I lasted about 15 minutes in the water. No fish at all. Found one anchor. Nothing else. Boring. The problem is they still dynamite fish and use cyanide. Never quite worked the last one out if you are going to eat the fish!
All of the professionals involved with the Blue Planet Academy, buy into educating the young. Educating corporates. Educating people who can make a difference in the future. If we educate the young in our schools, they are better informed when they mature into roles of decision making and influence, to change the course of destruction of our world. Well actually it is not our world. We are mere custodians of the planet for the future generations.
We are looking for a low level headline sponsor. Happy to give naming rights. The low level sponsorship will be used to collaborate with other conservation agencies, produce quality literature, enable basic expenses of the professionals to be met travelling to schools and organisations to give free presentations and talks.
Interested? Contact Martin. info@divecrew.co.uk